Invoq, electrical oven

1. Serial number
Serial number: 2201101 – 056206
• 22 = year of manufacture (e.g. 22 = 2022)
• 11 = month of manufacture (e.g. 11 = November)
• 01 = day of manufacture (e.g. 01)
• 056206 = production number
2. Rated voltage
4oo V = voltage
3PN = phases (e.g. 3 phases and neutral)
50 Hz = frequency (converter registers the supply to the oven)
3. Water supply pressure
Water supply: 5.5 l/min, min 1 bar, max 6 bar
Invoq, gas oven

1. Serial number
Serial number: 2201101 – 056206
• 22 = year of manufacture (e.g. 22 = 2022)
• 11 = month of manufacture (e.g. 11 = November)
• 01 = day of manufacture (e.g. 01)
• 056206 = production number
2. Rated voltage
230 V = voltage
1PN = phases (e.g. 1 phases and neutral)
50 Hz = frequency (converter registers the supply to the oven)
3. Water supply pressure
Water supply: 5.5 l/min, min 1 bar, max 6 bar
Visual Cooking, electrical oven

1. Serial number, oven type and dim
Serial number: 210409 – 056206
• 21 = year of manufacture (e.g. 21 = 2021)
• 04 = month of manufacture (e.g. 04 = April)
• 09 = day of manufacture (e.g. 09)
• 056206 = production number
If your combi oven is produced in 2019 or before, the serial number does not contain a production date, only production year and month.
Model: CPE 1.10
• CPE = oven type
• 1.10 = dim. (e.g. 1.10: 1/1 GN 10 shelves)
2. Voltage, phases and frequency, power consumption and wiring diagram
415V = voltage
3N = phases (e.g. 3 phases and neutral)
∼50/60 Hz = frequency (converter registers the supply to the oven)
18kW = power consumption
Dia.: 31000059.02 = wiring diagram
3. Water supply pressure
Water pressure 250-600kPa, (2,5-6bar) = water supply pressure
Visual Cooking, gas oven

1. Serial number, oven type and dim
Serial number: 210312 – 053135
• 21 = year of manufacture (e.g. 21 = 2021)
• 03 = month of manufacture (e.g. 03 = March)
• 12 = day of manufacture (e.g. 12)
• 053135 = production number
Model: KPE-Gas 1.10
• KPE-Gas = oven type
• 1.10 = dim. (e.g. 1.10: 1/1 GN 10 shelves)
2. Voltage, phases and frequency, power consumption, wiring diagram and gas output
230-240V = voltage
1N = phases (e.g. 1 phases and neutral)
∼50/60 Hz = frequency (converter registers the supply to the oven)
1,2 kW = power consumption
Dia.: 31000059.02 = wiring diagram
Qn: 21 kW = gas output
3. Gas pressure and gas types
GB: I2H, – 20 mbar – I3P,I3B/P,I3+ – 30,50mbar = Gas pressure
(e.g. 20 mBar = gas supply pressure)
Prepared for: G31 – 37 mbar = gas types (e.g. G31)

1. Oven type, serial number and wiring diagram
CS II CPE 1.06 HE2
• CS II CPE = oven type (e.g. CombiSlim II CPE)
• 1.06 = dim. (e.g. 1.06: 1/1 GN 6 shelves)
Serial number: 200331 – 017334
• 20 = year of manufacture (e.g. 20 = 2020)
• 03 = month of manufacture (e.g. 03 = March)
• 31 = day of manufacture (e.g. 31)
• 017334 = production number
Dia: 31000108.01 = wiring diagram
2. Voltage
400 / 415 3AC = voltage
8,4 / 9,2 kW = power consumption
∼50/60 Hz = frequency (converter registers the supply to the oven)
3. Water supply pressure
Water pressure 250-600kPa, (2,5-6bar) = water supply pressure